„The transition from a good night's sleep to a good breakfast is as smooth as a silk scarf.
Were we dreaming or does it really smell so tempting in our room, like fresh coffee and warm bread rolls? …
We believe again in the good fairy from the old tales and enjoy the sight of our very private breakfast happiness, with which we slip calmly and enjoyably into a new and magical day.“

Enjoy // Breakfast

The first meal of the day

Because breakfast is the wrong term at Tweed. It sounds like a buffet from 7 to 9 a.m. - early. And that's not the case here. Because you can enjoy your first meal of the day until 11:30 a.m. if you feel like it. And you don't have to go to breakfast either.

Your suite - your breakfast room

At Tweed, the first meal of the day comes to you, into your suite. English or Continental, porridge or croissant, bacon and eggs or jam, baked beans or muesli, opulent or sporty - and of course always delicious. We conjure up the first magical moment in your day. And a smile on your face.

Fresh and local

Naturally, we prepare your first meal of the day freshly. With products from the region and seasonal specialities. And something typically Irish shouldn't be missing either, after all, you should feel all tweed. Do you have any preferences or intolerances? We adapt to your individual wishes, after all, you should feel... well, you know.


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